Vulnerabilities & Exploits

Securezoo Cybersecurity Threat Center blog posts of new vulnerabilities and exploits.

GitHub scans and finds 4M vulnerabilities

GitHub ran a security scan to find old vulnerabilities in JavaScript and Ruby libraries in over a half million public repositories. The scan results turned up over four million vulnerabilities and sent alerts to developers to patch the bugs. GitHub is leading software development platform used to host, review and manage software source code, used by millions of developers.

GitHub scans and finds 4M vulnerabilities Read More »

Cache utility memcached is being exploited

Do you have any internet-facing devices running memcached? Security experts warn that systems exposed to the internet and running memcached on port 11211 UDP and TCP are being exploited in a new distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) reflection attack.

Cache utility memcached is being exploited Read More »

Oracle vulnerability exploited to deliver dual Monero miners

Trend Micro security researchers have spotted an Oracle vulnerability that is being abused to deliver dual Monero miner malware. The Oracle WebLogic WLS-WSAT vulnerability (CVE-2017-10271) allows remote code execution and was patched by Oracle back in October.

Oracle vulnerability exploited to deliver dual Monero miners Read More »